Quadcopter 360° Sensing | Overview of Flight Controllers

Controllers relevant for PoC:

At the current time we are reviewing various Ground control system (GCS) that we can easily modify for our project. The main criteria is that they are open source and supported by an active user group - such as the following:

LibrePilot (former OpenPilot)

LibrePilot is a Ground control system (GCS) which is supported by a new team who are continuing working on the developments of the former OpenPilot developments. Unfortunately the fromer OpenPilot Ground Control System (GCS) website is no longer updated which has been rather misleading and quite annoying.


PX4 is an independent, open-source, open-hardware project aiming at providing a high-end autopilot to the academic, hobby and industrial communities (BSD licensed) at low costs and high availability. It is a complete hardware and software platform, much like a computer, and can run multiple autopilot applications (e.g. the PX4 flight stack or APM). They are one of the autopilot projects constituting the Linux Foundation DroneCode project. It is supported by the PIXHAWK Project of the Computer Vision and Geometry Lab. of ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and by the Autonomous Systems Lab and the Automatic Control Laboratory as well from a number of excellent invididuals (Contact and Credits).


(http://www.cleanflight.com/) is an Open-Source flight controller software and is a 32-bit version of the original 8-bit MultiWii code. It is a GCS for all types of multirotor aircraft.It supports a variety of shapes and motor counts, not limited to quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, tricopters and planes.
