FrSky X8R & X4R Firmware Update Hack


We are using the FrSky Taranis Plus and X8R and X4R for our PoC quad  projects

We received batches of these receivers from China which had incorrect firmware installed (non-UE) and therefore we needed to upgrade the firmware to enable these to bind to our transmitter. 

This took a lot more time and effort than we thought,  as there are a lot of methods and details on the web which we needed to filter through and explore before it actually worked. 

We created this webpage to share our experiences (and to remind us how we did it) on what we perceived as being the best method to upgrade firmware on a receiver. The best method, in our opinion, is by directly using the Frysky transmitter's in-built serial port to flash the receiver. The advantages being that you don't need to purchase any additional USB FTDI products from Frysky or other electronics or fluffing around with the Zadig USB driver installer, etc. 

The biggest confusion when we started was trying to find the "maintenance mode" as the latest Taranis Plus firmware versions (April 2016) is not provided with the "maintenance mode" functionality any longer (i.e activation is by switching-on whilst holding the Yaw & Roll trims pushed OUTwards ).

This maintenance mode allows you to flash any FrSky SmartPort product; such as 8XR, 4XR receivers directly using the serial port connector on the back of the transmitter. 

In previous firmware version, this maintenance mode could  be triggered by turning on the radio - whilst pushing the right and left bottom trim outwards (not inwards - as this is used for flashing / upgrading the transmitter). It's unclear why this maintenance mode was removed in the first place. 

But, a  big thanks goes to Mikeb on the opercforum, as he's made available a Taranis  transmitter firmware version which includes the maintenance mode functionality again ->here

we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the text or procedures - so follow these steps at your own risk!


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6