BittyBot Products
Megabitty Robot Controller Kit
MegaBitty Controller (kit)
Item Ref: 60011
Price €49.00
Out of Stock
Don't forget to add shipping See the bottom of the webpage here for details.
BittyBot are at this time no longer able to provide assembled version of the Megabitty robot controller and therefore can supply this in kit form only.
In the meantime ROBOTmaker may be able to supply this in kit form, based on available stock. Please email for details.
Please note that the assembly requires extremely good soldering skills and experience. Please don't attempt to assemble this if you don't have previous experience with soldering SMD devices.
ROBOTmaker can provide no support with Bittybot products. Generally support for the MegaBitty product range is available directly via the following Yahoo user group:
Read support instructions on BittyBot website carefully:
ROBOTmaker can not offer any support on Bittybot products)
User Instructions
Alternative supplier in US / Canada