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Welcome to ROBOTmaker
3D Printing Review
3D Delta Printing Designs
3D Printer Hot Plate Designs
Automated 3D Hot-End Tool Changer - PoC
Automatic Bed Leveling Calibration - Delta Printer
Effector Redesign- PoC
G-Code for Rostock MaxV2
Arduino Control of Stepper Motors
Converting an old Parallel Port CNC controller board to USB using an Arduino
Fun Projects
Home Automation
IoT Projects
Micro Hydro Power
PCB Prototyping using a CNC UV Laser, LCD Mask and Isolation CNC Milling
Laser PCB Prototyping - Eagle to GCode review
PCB Prototyping Manufactures
Prototype PCB using CNC Milling Machine
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver - Results
Prototyping PCB using Laser Galvo from SLA 3D printer
Prototyping PCB using LCD
Protyping PCB printing conductive ink and etch resist
Quadcopters | 360 Degree Proximity Sensing Project Overview
Interfaces to Flight controller?
IRCF360° - Quadcopter Project
Concepts | 360 degree proximity Sensing - Quadcopter
Frsky S.Port Interface
FrSky X8R & X4R Firmware Update Hack
Quadcopter 360° Sensing | Overview of Flight Controllers
Quadcopters | PWM interface to a PIC 12F629 Microcontroller
Real-Time Graphical Representation | S.BUS Protocol
S.BUS For Arduino
Swarm Robot Projects
Video Production TouchBox
About Us
Customer Service
Beta Testing
Infrared Control Freak - 360 degree Proximity Sensor
1. IRCF360 - Commands - Quick Reference Guide
010 - 019 - StartUp Commands
020 - Sony TX (Remote Control - Transmit)
022 - Sony TX - Single Direction
023 - Sony TX - Single Direction - Continuous
024 - Sony RX (Remote Control - Receive)
030 - Infrared Proximity sensing - 360 degrees
IRCF360 - Zones
032 - IR Proximity Detection - Directional
040 - Circular Display - Turn on Led
050 - Light Sensing Command
070 - Circular Display - Fade Up & Down
072 - Circular Display - Single LED Fade up & down
076 - Circular Display - Ping Pong
077 - Circular Display - Rotate Clockwise
078 - Circular Display - Rotate anti-clockwise
079 - Circular Display - Swipe
Special Function Commands
Benefits and Features
Guide to RS232 / Serial Interfacing to the IRCF360
IRCF 360 sensor and Midi Interface
IRCF360 - Register Interest
IRCF360 Assembly Manual
Let's Start Building!
Step 1 - µController
Step 2 - Resistors
Resistor Colour Codes
Step 3 - LEDs
Step 4 - Light Sensor
Step 5 - Infrared
Step 6 - Various
IRCF360-User Guide
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview
3.0 Interfaces
4.0 IRPD
5.0 Testing
6.0 Commands
Appendix A - Safety
Appendix B - Disclaimer
Appendix C - Infrared
Appendix D - IRRC
Appendix E - LEDs
Appendix F - Experimenting
Appendix G - Circuit Diagram
Appendix H - Printed Circuit Board
BOM Data Sheets
Principles of Infrared Remote Control
Infrared Control and Proximity Sensing
Roll-Your-Own IRCF360 using a PICkit2
Roll-Your-Own Sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch(less) HID sensor
Configuration of Arduino USB as a 3D - HID device
Google Earth Interface
Interfacing the Arduino to the IRCF360 360 degree sensor
Processing Sketches
Processing Sketch 1
Micro and Nano Mechanical Parts
Micro Geared Motors
Nano and Micro Robot Chassis
micro chassis
Nano Chassis
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive 10001 - Datasheet
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive Version 1
Nano Chassis - GRP
Open Micro Robot Development Project (Open-MRDP)
Prototyping Services
Robot Controllers
BittyBot Products
Robot Sensors
IRCFL Firmware Upgrades & ICSP
IRCFL Fuse Setting
Terms and Conditions
What's New?
360 degree 3D Sensor kit being prepared for distribtion
360 degree sensor in micro qaudcopter
3D Printing of Robot Chassis
NEW!! 360 Degree / 3D programmable Proximity sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch HID sensor
3D Printing Review
3D Delta Printing Designs
3D Printer Hot Plate Designs
Automated 3D Hot-End Tool Changer - PoC
Automatic Bed Leveling Calibration - Delta Printer
Effector Redesign- PoC
G-Code for Rostock MaxV2
Arduino Control of Stepper Motors
Converting an old Parallel Port CNC controller board to USB using an Arduino
Fun Projects
Home Automation
IoT Projects
Micro Hydro Power
PCB Prototyping using a CNC UV Laser, LCD Mask and Isolation CNC Milling
Laser PCB Prototyping - Eagle to GCode review
PCB Prototyping Manufactures
Prototype PCB using CNC Milling Machine
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver - Results
Prototyping PCB using Laser Galvo from SLA 3D printer
Prototyping PCB using LCD
Protyping PCB printing conductive ink and etch resist
Quadcopters | 360 Degree Proximity Sensing Project Overview
Interfaces to Flight controller?
IRCF360° - Quadcopter Project
Concepts | 360 degree proximity Sensing - Quadcopter
Frsky S.Port Interface
FrSky X8R & X4R Firmware Update Hack
Quadcopter 360° Sensing | Overview of Flight Controllers
Quadcopters | PWM interface to a PIC 12F629 Microcontroller
Real-Time Graphical Representation | S.BUS Protocol
S.BUS For Arduino
Swarm Robot Projects
Video Production TouchBox
About Us
Customer Service
Beta Testing
Infrared Control Freak - 360 degree Proximity Sensor
1. IRCF360 - Commands - Quick Reference Guide
010 - 019 - StartUp Commands
020 - Sony TX (Remote Control - Transmit)
022 - Sony TX - Single Direction
023 - Sony TX - Single Direction - Continuous
024 - Sony RX (Remote Control - Receive)
030 - Infrared Proximity sensing - 360 degrees
IRCF360 - Zones
032 - IR Proximity Detection - Directional
040 - Circular Display - Turn on Led
050 - Light Sensing Command
070 - Circular Display - Fade Up & Down
072 - Circular Display - Single LED Fade up & down
076 - Circular Display - Ping Pong
077 - Circular Display - Rotate Clockwise
078 - Circular Display - Rotate anti-clockwise
079 - Circular Display - Swipe
Special Function Commands
Benefits and Features
Guide to RS232 / Serial Interfacing to the IRCF360
IRCF 360 sensor and Midi Interface
IRCF360 - Register Interest
IRCF360 Assembly Manual
Let's Start Building!
Step 1 - µController
Step 2 - Resistors
Resistor Colour Codes
Step 3 - LEDs
Step 4 - Light Sensor
Step 5 - Infrared
Step 6 - Various
IRCF360-User Guide
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview
3.0 Interfaces
4.0 IRPD
5.0 Testing
6.0 Commands
Appendix A - Safety
Appendix B - Disclaimer
Appendix C - Infrared
Appendix D - IRRC
Appendix E - LEDs
Appendix F - Experimenting
Appendix G - Circuit Diagram
Appendix H - Printed Circuit Board
BOM Data Sheets
Principles of Infrared Remote Control
Infrared Control and Proximity Sensing
Roll-Your-Own IRCF360 using a PICkit2
Roll-Your-Own Sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch(less) HID sensor
Configuration of Arduino USB as a 3D - HID device
Google Earth Interface
Interfacing the Arduino to the IRCF360 360 degree sensor
Processing Sketches
Processing Sketch 1
Micro and Nano Mechanical Parts
Micro Geared Motors
Nano and Micro Robot Chassis
micro chassis
Nano Chassis
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive 10001 - Datasheet
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive Version 1
Nano Chassis - GRP
Open Micro Robot Development Project (Open-MRDP)
Prototyping Services
Robot Controllers
BittyBot Products
Robot Sensors
IRCFL Firmware Upgrades & ICSP
IRCFL Fuse Setting
Terms and Conditions
What's New?
360 degree 3D Sensor kit being prepared for distribtion
360 degree sensor in micro qaudcopter
3D Printing of Robot Chassis
NEW!! 360 Degree / 3D programmable Proximity sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch HID sensor
3D Printing Review
3D Delta Printing Designs
3D Printer Hot Plate Designs
Automated 3D Hot-End Tool Changer - PoC
Automatic Bed Leveling Calibration - Delta Printer
Effector Redesign- PoC
G-Code for Rostock MaxV2
Arduino Control of Stepper Motors
Converting an old Parallel Port CNC controller board to USB using an Arduino
Fun Projects
Home Automation
IoT Projects
Micro Hydro Power
PCB Prototyping using a CNC UV Laser, LCD Mask and Isolation CNC Milling
Laser PCB Prototyping - Eagle to GCode review
PCB Prototyping Manufactures
Prototype PCB using CNC Milling Machine
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver
Prototyping PCB using CNC Laser Engraver - Results
Prototyping PCB using Laser Galvo from SLA 3D printer
Prototyping PCB using LCD
Protyping PCB printing conductive ink and etch resist
Quadcopters | 360 Degree Proximity Sensing Project Overview
Interfaces to Flight controller?
IRCF360° - Quadcopter Project
Concepts | 360 degree proximity Sensing - Quadcopter
Frsky S.Port Interface
FrSky X8R & X4R Firmware Update Hack
Quadcopter 360° Sensing | Overview of Flight Controllers
Quadcopters | PWM interface to a PIC 12F629 Microcontroller
Real-Time Graphical Representation | S.BUS Protocol
S.BUS For Arduino
Swarm Robot Projects
Video Production TouchBox
About Us
Customer Service
Beta Testing
Infrared Control Freak - 360 degree Proximity Sensor
1. IRCF360 - Commands - Quick Reference Guide
010 - 019 - StartUp Commands
020 - Sony TX (Remote Control - Transmit)
022 - Sony TX - Single Direction
023 - Sony TX - Single Direction - Continuous
024 - Sony RX (Remote Control - Receive)
030 - Infrared Proximity sensing - 360 degrees
IRCF360 - Zones
032 - IR Proximity Detection - Directional
040 - Circular Display - Turn on Led
050 - Light Sensing Command
070 - Circular Display - Fade Up & Down
072 - Circular Display - Single LED Fade up & down
076 - Circular Display - Ping Pong
077 - Circular Display - Rotate Clockwise
078 - Circular Display - Rotate anti-clockwise
079 - Circular Display - Swipe
Special Function Commands
Benefits and Features
Guide to RS232 / Serial Interfacing to the IRCF360
IRCF 360 sensor and Midi Interface
IRCF360 - Register Interest
IRCF360 Assembly Manual
Let's Start Building!
Step 1 - µController
Step 2 - Resistors
Resistor Colour Codes
Step 3 - LEDs
Step 4 - Light Sensor
Step 5 - Infrared
Step 6 - Various
IRCF360-User Guide
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview
3.0 Interfaces
4.0 IRPD
5.0 Testing
6.0 Commands
Appendix A - Safety
Appendix B - Disclaimer
Appendix C - Infrared
Appendix D - IRRC
Appendix E - LEDs
Appendix F - Experimenting
Appendix G - Circuit Diagram
Appendix H - Printed Circuit Board
BOM Data Sheets
Principles of Infrared Remote Control
Infrared Control and Proximity Sensing
Roll-Your-Own IRCF360 using a PICkit2
Roll-Your-Own Sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch(less) HID sensor
Configuration of Arduino USB as a 3D - HID device
Google Earth Interface
Interfacing the Arduino to the IRCF360 360 degree sensor
Processing Sketches
Processing Sketch 1
Micro and Nano Mechanical Parts
Micro Geared Motors
Nano and Micro Robot Chassis
micro chassis
Nano Chassis
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive 10001 - Datasheet
10001 - Nano Chassis Belt Drive Version 1
Nano Chassis - GRP
Open Micro Robot Development Project (Open-MRDP)
Prototyping Services
Robot Controllers
BittyBot Products
Robot Sensors
IRCFL Firmware Upgrades & ICSP
IRCFL Fuse Setting
Terms and Conditions
What's New?
360 degree 3D Sensor kit being prepared for distribtion
360 degree sensor in micro qaudcopter
3D Printing of Robot Chassis
NEW!! 360 Degree / 3D programmable Proximity sensor
Sensorium Project - 3D-360-degree Multi-touch HID sensor
DXF Version
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