IRCF 360 sensor and Midi Interface
For a bit of fun our development team has connected the IRCF360 to midi machine to see what it can.
We just connected our 360 Degree sensor via the RS232 interface to a Teensy 2.0+ From the Teensy we connected with a USB cable to the PC. The Teensy 2.0+ is an Arduino compatible controller which enabled us to emulate a midi device. The Teensy2.0 + can also enable you to emulate a keyboard or mouse as a HID device, which we also tried. See here -> 360 degree / 3D touchless HID controller.
A standard Arduino Uno apparently can also be configured or hacked in a similar way, as described -> here or here. We haven't tried that yet, as the Teensy worked fine and is more compact.
If you have a PICKit 2 then you can upload the 3D / 360 degree Midi firmware into a spare PIC16F88 microcontroller and have a play (please don't over-right the Microcontroller that came with the controller though). If you are learning about programming PIC micro controllers in C++ or Basic, then try creating some of you own routines.
Some examples will soon be available on GitHub for you to get you going.