Effector Redesign- PoC
We are looking into designs for n:1 filament i.e. multi filaments going into 1 extruder.
Effector Plate re-design specfications:
Less weight & less inertia
Magnetic Balls effector plates and arms - Status: Completed
Automated hot-end tool changer. Status: The design was changed to an universal hot-end carriage where the magnetic ball arms have been connected to. A quick switching effector plate was then used to switch between 3D printing, Laser Exposure or Cutting, Other 3D Printing Head (such as chocolate extruder)
Change hot-end heads -> This was redesigned as a two-in-one and three-in-one hot-end solution. This avoided the need to change extruder heads and have many heaters etc.
Change Laser cutter -> A magnetic quick switch laser cutter was perferred as at this time we saw no real need to switch between laser cutter,Exposing 3D printing within a single job. This may change once UV curing filament has been developed or if is going to be use with UV sensitive resin films
PCB Laser Exposure -> Status: Completed
Integrated layer cooling fan
Intelligent-Print-head : Status: In Progress
Integrated Arduino controller with serial, I2C connection to Rambo board for more local control and telemetry
Bluetooth or WLAN Telemetry transmission for remote analysis
Control of lighting
Control of Servo
Giro Sensors for telemetry Data ( MPU6050 , BMP180, and the HMC5883L)
IR proximity sensor
Multiple Servo control using
Own power-source
Steppermotor drives for advanced clamping control
Single Bowden Extruder for multiple filaments: Status: Not Started
Single barrel drive hob Gear to drive multiple filamets
Servo controlled idle gear for selective pressure of filaments
Inductive Hot-End heater ->Status: In Progress
Avoiding hot end heater cartridge, hot-end sink and hot-end fan
PEI Hotbed film - Status: Completed
Auto-Levelling using LoadCell - Status: Completed